OpenPKG Project
OpenPKG ProjectDownloadPolicy

Download Policy


OpenPKG is a rather large Open Source project and with still very limited manpower resources only. For providing the services like security updates, making important release engineering decisions, etc., it is absolutely essential to know the user community, know how large the community is and what OpenPKG releases and packages are actually in use. Without knowing this information the OpenPKG project could neither afford providing all of its services.

Unfortunately, experience over many years showed that just providing the user community to voluntarily give feedback doesn't really work. Hence the OpenPKG Project has to restrict the download of some of its resources in order to allow it to better identify the effective OpenPKG user community and scope.

This is absolutely vital for the future of the OpenPKG Project and every long-term OpenPKG user is called to support the OpenPKG Project with both a simple, free of charge and one-time registration and an identification during downloads.

Anonymous Access

Through the usual anonymous access a subset of the OpenPKG distribution files (currently about 21GB of 65GB in total) can be downloaded, including the full latest OpenPKG-2.5-RELEASE files for allowing anyone to easily and fully anonymously evaluate and install OpenPKG.

Identified Access

For additionally downloading…

…directly from, one has to identify oneself during download on the OpenPKG download services with…